Latin CFO Summit 2017
November 9-10, 2017 | Ritz-Carlton Cancun | Cancun, Mexico
“The Strategic Financial Executive: Managing Risk in a Disruptive World”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
In a dynamic environment of disruption and risk, the involvement of the CFO’s office in managing risk and creating value has increased in scope and importance. Successful financial executives must be able to deploy new skills including:
Recognizing disruption, the speed of change, and the underlying sources
Increasing the enterprise’s risk IQ and capabilities
Thinking and communicating strategically
Developing skills to enable a forward-thinking, strategic finance organization.
This presentation is based on a 2017 Financial Executives International (FEI) research study “The Strategic Financial Executive: Managing Risk in a Disruptive World” led by Dr. Mark Frigo and based on interviews with top CFOs, financial executives and finance CFO stakeholders, as well as focus group roundtable discussions. It describes examples of how CFOs manage risk and create value in today’s environment, and incorporates strategic risk themes emphasized in the new COSO ERM framework. Financial executives from the following companies were interviewed for this study: Microsoft, Oracle, Boeing, AARP, Dow Chemical, Martin Marietta, Coca-Cola Company, Pitney Bowes and others. The report highlights the four key themes listed above and explores key factors, key impacts, and action steps financial executive can adopt in their organizations.
Dr. Mark L. Frigo, Director – The Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation and the CFO Leadership Initiative, Kellstadt Graduate School of Business, DePaul University and Author of the book DRIVEN. He has presented keynotes and executive workshop at leading business schools include IPADE (Mexico), Northwestern Kellogg, Chicago Booth, and at CFO and CEO Summits.
Northwestern Neurosurgery Group
November 2017 Chicago, IL (Private Event)
“Return Driven Strategy: Developing Value-Creating Strategies”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
This presentation describes the latest applications of the Return Driven Strategy framework in developing value-creating growth strategies in the dynamic field of healthcare.
Recent Events
Strategic Risk Management Executive Seminar Series
June 16, 2017 DePaul Center Chicago, IL
This executive seminar will present the latest developments in developing Strategic Risk Management as a core competency in organizations. It will include the latest applications of the Strategic Risk Assessment Process and the use of management tools to support the process including: Return Driven Strategy for strategy review, Strategy Maps for developing risk dialogues and risk assessment, and scenario planning for integrating risk assessment in strategic planning. The seminar will include a discussion of the case study “Strategic Risk Management at the LEGO Group Integrating Strategy and Risk Management” authored by Dr. Mark L. Frigo and Hans Læssøe, Senior Director of Strategic Risk Management, LEGO Group. For more information about this seminar and the executive summary of the seminar, please contact
2017 CFO Leadership Spring Summit
Keynote Presentation and Workshop: “Leadership Driven Strategy”
June 2017 (Private Event) Palm Beach, FL
This executive summit will be led by Dr. Mark Frigo and a group of executives who have successfully used the Leadership Driven Strategy approach during the last three years. Leadership Driven Strategy is the latest applications of the Return Driven Strategy framework for the individual leader and teams. For more information about this summit and an executive summary, please contact
2016 RIMS Risk Summit November 10, 2016
Gleacher Center - University of Chicago Booth School of Business - Chicago, IL
This invitation-only event features a keynote presentation “Integrating Strategy and Risk Management: Developing a Resilient Enterprise” at the 2016 RIMS Risk Summits which was sponsored by Aon. The Risk Summit is sponsored by RIMS and Aon will include ERM Directors, Chief Risk Officers and Chief Audit Executives from the following organizations:
“Leading a Growth Strategy: Driving Profitable Growth and Managing Risk”
Kellogg Executive Management Institute (EMI) Program
National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) Executive Workshop
September 12, 2016
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
This session presented management tools for leading and managing risk in a growth strategy. The session included key elements of ERM (assessing and managing risks in growth strategies), go/no-go decisions in growth strategies and management tools for doing so. These management tools are applied in group work during the session which will help participants to apply the tools to their company’s growth strategy.
2016 CFO Leadership Spring Summit
Keynote Presentation and Workshop: “Leadership Driven Strategy”
May 2016 (Private Event) Palm Beach, FL
This executive summit will be led by Dr. Mark Frigo and a group of executives who have successfully used the Leadership Driven Strategy approach during the last three years. Leadership Driven Strategy is the latest application of the Return Driven Strategy framework for the individual leader and teams. For more information about this summit and an executive summary, please contact
CFO Summit 2016
May 12-14, 2016 | Eau Palm Beach Resort & Spa | Palm Beach, FL
Keynote Presentation: “Innovation and Growth: The Role of the CFO”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
This CFO Summit included presentations from leading CFOs and Senior Financial Executives. Joining Dr. Frigo in delivering keynotes at this Summit were Jonathan Mariner, Chief Investment Officer, Major League Baseball, Darren Snellgrove, Chief Financial Officer, Johnson & Johnson Innovation, Bob Herz, Former Chairman, Financial Accounting Standards Board and others. The cover article in the October issue of Strategic Finance includes an article based on Dr. Frigo’s keynote “Innovation and Growth: The Role of the CFO” and Darren Snellgrove’s keynote “Why Innovation Should Be Every CFOs Top Priority”. For a PDF of the article, please email
The Chicago Club
Wednesday, May 4th (Private Event)
“Thinking the Unthinkable: How Boards and Executive Teams Can Address Strategic Black Swans”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo is the author of the book “DRIVEN” and a leading thinker in the strategy space. He will lead a discussion with executives and board members on the important area of addressing strategic Black Swan risks. In this session, Dr. Frigo will share his latest research and thought leadership on strategic risk management. For more information about this research and the executive summary, please contact
2016 RIMS (Risk and Insurance Management Society) International Conference
“Using Strategy Maps in Risk Management and Risk Assessment”
Monday, April 11, 2016 4:00 PM-5:00 PM San Diego, California
This keynote presentation discusses leading practices in the application of strategy maps for risk management and risk assessment. It will present a strategic risk assessment process and management tools organizations can use with strategy maps for risk assessment and as part of risk management initiatives. In this session, Dr. Frigo will show how organizations use strategy maps as a way to describe the strategy of your organization and to facilitate risk dialogues with executive and management teams in risk assessment. This session is hosted by RIMS Strategic Risk Management Development Council. For an executive summary of this presentation please email
“Enterprise Risk Management: Developing a Resilient Business”
Kellogg Executive Management Institute (EMI) Program
National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) Executive Workshop
April 4-6, 2016
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
This session presented management tools for identifying and managing the risk and opportunities in your business strategy. These management tools are applied in group work session during the program which will help the participants to apply the tools in their company. The topics in the session include: Return Driven Strategy; Strategic Risk Management; Strategic Risk Assessment: This proven process for identifying and assessing risk is embraced organizations around the world. The NRCA Five Step Risk Management Process and Strategic Risk Assessment and Strategic Risk Management at the LEGO Group: This case example includes management tools such as the LEGO PAPA model which can help management teams prioritize risks and make them actionable. Activities and Outcomes: Develop a LEGO PAPA Model Risk Profile.
Argyle Chief Financial Officer Leadership Forum
March 31, 2016 Standard Club Chicago
Keynote Presentation: “Innovation and Growth: The Role of the Strategic CFO”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
In the current slow growth economy a top challenge for every company is developing and executing strategies to achieve profitable growth and drive breakthrough innovation. In this keynote Dr. Frigo will present his latest research on high performance companies that have resisted the headwinds of the post-2007 recession using a unique pattern of strategic activities. He will also present his latest research on the characteristics of high performance CFOs and Finance Organizations from the CFO Strategic Leadership Initiative at DePaul University. For an executive summary of this presentation please email
2016 CFO Leadership Winter Summit
Keynote Presentation and Workshop: “Leadership Driven Strategy”
January 2016 (Private Event) Palm Beach, FL
This executive summit will be led by Dr. Mark Frigo and a group of executives who have successfully used the Leadership Driven Strategy approach during the last three years. Leadership Driven Strategy is the latest application of the Return Driven Strategy framework for the individual leader and teams. For more information about this summit and the executive summary of the summit, please contact
IMA/Oracle Webinar “Gaining Strategic Advantage through the Cloud”
Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 01:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
This webinar features Dr. Mark L. Frigo discussing what finance organizations can learn from High Performance Organizations. In the webinar, he discusses how CFOs can use the Return Driven Strategy framework to develop a strategic finance organization. In the webinar, Dr. Frigo describes how CFOs and finance teams are using the Leadership Driven Strategy framework to develop and execute a strategy for a finance organization as well as develop strategic skill with finance organizations. The webinar includes modern best practices for finance organizations and success case studies from The Rancon Group, a CFO Perspective; Pittsburgh State University, a CIO Perspective; The Rancon Group, a CFO Perspective. For a white-paper about this webinar, please contact
Strategic Risk Management Executive Seminar Series
December 4, 2015 Chicago, IL
This executive seminar will present the latest developments in developing Strategic Risk Management as a core competency in organizations. It will include the latest applications of the Strategic Risk Assessment Process and the use of management tools to support the process including: Return Driven Strategy for strategy review, Strategy Maps for developing risk dialogues and risk assessment, and scenario planning for integrating risk assessment in strategic planning. The seminar will include a discussion of the case study “Strategic Risk Management at the LEGO Group Integrating Strategy and Risk Management” authored by Dr. Mark L. Frigo and Hans Læssøe, Senior Director of Strategic Risk Management, LEGO Group. For more information about this seminar and the executive summary of the seminar, please contact
European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management
8th International Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control Conference
September 30, 2015 Nice, France
“Research & Development Efficiency at High Performance Companies”
This study is focused on identifying companies that have created the most sustainable growth and economic returns from R&D investments. It is based on continuing research on high performance companies in the Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation in the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business at DePaul University. For more information about this research and an executive summary, please contact
2015 RIMS Risk Summit
July 15, 2015
World of Whirlpool Conference Center - Chicago, IL
This invitation-only event features a keynote presentation “Integrating Strategy and Risk Management: Developing a Resilient Enterprise” at the 2014 RIMS Risk Summits which was sponsored by E&Y and hosted by Whirlpool at World of Whirlpool in Chicago. The Risk Summit is sponsored by RIMS and EY will include ERM Directors, Chief Risk Officers and Chief Audit Executives from the following organizations: Morningstar, Conagra Foods, Mondelez, Hospira, Inc., The Options Clearing Corp., CME Group, Art Institute of Chicago, Abbott, Harley-Davidson, Duchossois, Fortune Brands, CME Group, Grainger, RR Donnelly, Hyatt, Walgreen's, and others. For an executive summary of this presentation please email
CFO Summit XXX 2015
May 14-16, 2015
Palm Beach, FL - Eau Palm Beach Resort and Spa
This CFO Summit will include presentations from leading CFOs and Senior Financial Executives from Stryker, Chiquita, Yahoo!, Zurich Insurance, Turner Broadcasting, Just Born Inc., Sony America, Make-A-Wish Foundation, AOL, Harry & David, Cardinal Health, GE Capital, Cancer Treatment Centers of America and BlueLinx Corporation. The Summit will be chaired by Lamar Chesney, Former Chief Financial Officer/Chief Procurement Officer, SunTrust Banks, Delta Airlines, Marsh & McLennan Cos, and The Coca-Cola Company. Dr. Mark Frigo will present two keynotes at this event which also feature a special keynote presentation by The Honorable Newt Gingrich, Republican Presidential Candidate, 2012 Election and Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives (1995-1999).
Keynote Presentation “Developing a Focused Growth Strategy – The Role of the Strategic CFO”
In the current economic environment, business strategies need to focus on market opportunities that are driven by shifts in customers, technology, competitors, demographics and globalization. In today’s economic environment, a primary challenge is to drive innovation and growth with fewer resources while managing risk. In this presentation, a leading expert on innovation strategy will share his insights and experience in helping senior executives to drive innovation and focused growth initiatives. This keynote will discuss how CFOs can:
• Develop a Focused Growth Strategy
• Make Innovation Work with Less Resources
• Communicate Innovation and Growth Strategies to Investors
Dr. Mark L. Frigo, Director – The Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation, DePaul University; author of the landmark book DRIVEN: Business Strategy, Human Actions and the Creation of Wealth
Keynote Presentation “Leadership Driven Strategy for High Performance CFOs and their Teams”
A strategic CFO and finance organization are critical to the success of a company in today’s environment. This presentation will discuss leading practices and case examples of high performance CFOs and their finance teams. High performance CFOs think, act and communicate differently as reflected in the Leadership Driven Strategy framework which is used by CFOs to develop a strategy to create maximum value for the stakeholders of finance. This keynote will discuss how CFOs can:
• Develop and communicate a strategy for creating maximum value for CFO stakeholders using the Leadership Driven Strategy framework
• Create a valuable and unique Brand for the CFO
• Communicate a valuable “Financial Brand” of the company in the investor community
• Develop strategic leadership skills in the finance organization
Dr. Mark L. Frigo, Director – The Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation, DePaul University; author of the landmark book DRIVEN: Business Strategy, Human Actions and the Creation of Wealth
For more information about this summit and the executive summary of Dr. Frigo’s keynotes, please contact
University of Geneva – HEC Genève - Université de Genève
Spring 2015
Geneva, Switzerland
IOMBA Executive Workshop: “Strategic Risk Management for International Organizations”
Executive Lecture: “The Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Maps: Applications in Strategic Risk Management”
The University of Geneva’s International Organizations MBA is a unique MBA program that prepares professionals for careers as global change-makers in the increasingly interconnected fields of social development and private enterprise.
Dr. Mark L. Frigo will present an executive workshop at the IOMBA on Strategic Risk Management for International Organizations in the IOMBA (International Organizations MBA) program which will include the latest applications of Mission Driven Strategy and the Strategic Risk Assessment Process for UN agencies and other International Organizations. Based on his pioneering work in applications of Strategic Risk Management in International Organizations, Dr. Frigo will present leading practices in Strategy Development and Strategic Risk Management for IOs.
Dr. Frigo will also deliver a lecture on The Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Maps: Applications in Strategic Risk Management which will include the leading practices from the DePaul Strategic Risk Management Lab.
Risk Management Leadership Conference
Spring 2015
Arditti Center for Risk Management
DePaul University 1 East Jackson Blvd Chicago
This one-day executive course will provide advanced risk management leadership skills to high-level executives and board members around three critical themes: Risk Management and Leadership, Risk Management and Strategy, and Risk Management and Organizational Culture
Dr. Mark L. Frigo will serve as lead instructor and present leading practices and case examples from his pioneering research in Strategic Risk Management and leading practices in Strategic Risk Management including a case he co-authored about Strategic Risk Management at the LEGO Group. Dennis Chookaszian (former CEO at CNA Insurance and recipient of the Outstanding Director Award from the Financial Times Outstanding Directors Exchange will deliver a keynote presentation on “Risk Management and Leadership”
2015 CFO Leadership Winter Summit
Keynote Presentation and Workshop: “Leadership Driven Strategy”
January 2014 (Private Event) Miami, FL
This executive summit will be led by Dr. Mark L. Frigo and a group of executives who have successfully used the Leadership Driven Strategy approach during the last two years. Leadership Driven Strategy is the latest application of the Return Driven Strategy framework to the individual leader and teams. For more information about this summit and the executive summary on Leadership Driven Strategy, please contact
2014 Executive Leadership Summit
“Leadership Driven Strategy”
December 2014 (TBA) Miami, FL
This executive summit will be led by Dr. Mark L. Frigo and a group of executives who have successfully used the Leadership Driven Strategy approach during the last two years. Leadership Driven Strategy is the latest application of the Return Driven Strategy framework to the individual leader and teams.
For more information about this summit and the executive primer on Leadership Driven Strategy, please contact
Private Wealth Management Summit
December 7, 2014 Las Vegas, NV Red Rock Resort& Spa
Keynote Presentation: “Mission Driven Strategy”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
This keynote presentation will describe the Mission Driven Strategy framework applied to Private Wealth Management industry and to Family Offices. Mission Driven Strategy is based on the strategic activities of high performance companies (as described in the book DRIVEN) and adapted for Family Offices. For more information about this summit and the executive summary of the Mission Driven Strategy keynote, please contact
Strategic Risk Management Executive Seminar Series
December 5, 2014 Chicago, IL
This executive seminar will present the latest developments in developing strategic risk management as a core competency in organizations. It will include the latest applications of the Strategic Risk Assessment Process and the use of management tools to support the process including: Return Driven Strategy for strategy review, Strategy Maps for developing risk dialogues and risk assessment, and scenario planning for integrating risk assessment in strategic planning. The seminar will include a discussion of the case study “Strategic Risk Management at the LEGO Group
Integrating Strategy and Risk Management” authored by Dr. Mark L. Frigo and Hans Læssøe,Senior Director of Strategic Risk Management, LEGO Group. For more information about this seminar and the executive summary of the seminar, please contact
Argyle Chief Financial Officer Leadership Forum
November 18, 2014 Chicago, IL
Dr. Mark L. Frigo will be serving as moderator
This Argyle Chief Financial Officer Leadership Forum will explore which approaches and strategies will cement the Chief Financial Officer’s place at the helm of the company as they steer their businesses forward in this volatile economy. Argyle Executive Forum is bringing together CFOs, Treasurers, VPs of Finance, Controllers, and corporate finance leaders from a variety of industries. Using a discussion-based format, the 2014 CFO Leadership Forum in Chicago will focus on several areas including: “Effective strategies for driving sustainable growth and innovation,” “The changing role of the CFO,” “Cost leadership,” “Risk mitigation,” “Fraud management,” “Succession planning,” and “The impact of social media and cloud computing on the bottom line.” (Argyle meetings are by invitation only.)
CFO Masterclass: Advanced Corporate Financial Leadership & Value-Creation Strategies Leaders and Fundamental Investors
Ritz Carlton Hotel, Singapore
November 12-14, 2014
Organized by Programic Asia
The new Masterclass for CFOs was designed by Dr. Mark L. Frigo and Joel Litman specifically for corporate financial leaders and executives. This course provides practical and proven frameworks and tools that CFOs and financial leaders can use to significantly enhance their ability to analyze, plan, and drive financial value-creation at their companies. Based on the framework of the landmark book, DRIVEN: Business Strategy, Human Action and the Creation of Wealth, developed by Dr. Mark Frigo and Professor Joel Litman, main topics of discussion include, but not limited to:
Return Driven Strategy and Landmark Research into Truly High-Performance Companies
Strategic Valuation: Utilizing the Right Value-Creation Tools at the Right Times
Innovation and the CFO: Controlling Costs While Ensuring the Future
Strategic Risk Management: A Consistent Framework for Evaluating Company Risks
Tools for Financial Leadership in Up and Down Business Cycles
For more information about this seminar and the executive summary of the MasterClass, please contact
Manufacturing Conference
Illinois CPA Society/Center for Corporate Financial Leadership
October 21-22, 2014 Oakbrook, IL
“Balanced Scorecards for Manufacturing Companies: Translating Strategy Into Action”
This session will describe the latest developments and leading practices of the Balanced Scorecard for manufacturing companies. It is presented by Dr. Mark L. Frigo, a leading expert in strategy execution and the Balanced Scorecard.
• The Balanced Scorecard Applications for Manufacturing Companies
• How to Develop a Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Maps
• Case Examples of Balanced Scorecards
Executive Leadership Summit (Private Event-Invitation Only)
“Leadership Driven Strategy: Building High Performance Innovation Teams”
September 24, 2014
Chicago, IL
For more information about this summit and the executive primer on Leadership Driven Strategy, please contact
Executive Leadership Summit (Private Event-Invitation Only)
“Leadership Driven Strategy for Growth and Change Initiatives”
August 6, 2014
Monterey Bay, CA
This executive workshop will feature the latest applications of the Return Driven Strategy framework to teams and individual leaders in organizations. How can leaders and teams benefit from thinking, acting and communicating strategically based on the strategic activities of high performance companies? Leadership Driven Strategy is the latest application of Return Driven Strategy to the individual leader and teams within an organization.
This executive leadership summit presents how to use the Return Driven Strategy framework to drive company growth and change initiatives.
2014 RIMS Risk Summit
July 16, 2014
World of Whirlpool Conference Center
Chicago, IL
This invitation-only event featured a keynote presentation “Integrating Strategy and Risk Management: Developing a Resilient Enterprise”
at the 2014 RIMS Risk Summits which was sponsored by E&Y and hosted by Whirlpool at World of Whirlpool in Chicago. The event included ERM Directors from Harley-Davidson, Kraft Foods, GE, Motorola, Navistar, Mondelez, Whirlpool and other companies. For an executive summary of this presentation please email
2014 Executive Leadership Summit
“Leadership Driven Strategy”
June 2014 (TBA) Chicago, IL
This executive summit will be led by Dr. Mark L. Frigo and a group of executives who have successfully used the Leadership Driven Strategy approach during the last two years. Leadership Driven Strategy is the latest application of the Return Driven Strategy framework to the individual leader and teams.
For more information about this summit and the executive primer on Leadership Driven Strategy, please contact
France Business School – Tour, France – Executive MBA Lecture
“Strategy and Execution at High Performance Companies”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo, Ledger & Quill Distinguished Professor of Strategy and Leadership
Wednesday, June 18, 2014 DePaul Center Chicago
In this lecture Dr. Mark L. Frigo will present his research on the strategy and execution at resilient high performance companies described in the book DRIVEN: Business Strategy, Human Actions and the Creation of Wealth. He will discuss the Return Driven Strategy framework which is used by executives and management teams to align strategic activities to drive maximum value creation. Dr. Frigo will describe the latest applications of the framework in risk management, the development of focused growth strategies and in leadership strategy for individual leaders and teams. He will also discuss his new research on building and nurturing a high performance, high integrity corporate culture and applications of the framework in Strategic Risk Management.
Risk Management Leadership Conference
June 13-14, 2014
Arditti Center for Risk Management
DePaul University
1 East Jackson Blvd Chicago
This two-day executive course will provide advanced risk management leadership skills to high-level executives and board members around three critical themes:
· Risk Management and Leadership
· Risk Management and Strategy
· Risk Management and Organizational Culture
The audience will include qualified Non-executive Board Directors, CEOs, CFOs, COOs, Managing Directors, Corporate Treasures, Executive Vice Presidents, Heads of Internal Audit, and Public Pension Fund Trustees.
Dr. Mark L. Frigo will serve as lead instructor and present leading practices and case examples from his pioneering research in Strategic Risk Management.
Dennis Chookaszian (former CEO at CNA Insurance and recipient of the Outstanding Director Award from the Financial Times Outstanding Directors Exchange will deliver a keynote presentation on “Risk Management and Leadership”
SuperStrategies Conference & Expo 2014 (Chicago)
Executive Summit
“Strategic Risk Management and the Chief Audit Executive"
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
May 1, 2014 Chicago, IL
Dr. Frigo will discuss the latest developments in the field of Strategic Risk Management which focuses on linking and integrating strategy and risk management in organizations. He will present leading practices of companies that have successfully integrated strategy and risk management within the management processes to help them co-create and protect value and develop risk management as a strategic asset. Dr. Frigo’s presentation will focus on how Chief Audit Executives (CAEs) can play a leadership role in Strategic Risk Management initiatives.
IIA Chicago Chapter 54th Annual Seminar
Monday, April 7, 2014
Featuring Dr. Mark L. Frigo Book Signing
Featuring an Opening Keynote by Lou Dobbs, Fox Business News
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Rosemont, Illinois US
IIA Chicago Chapter 54th Annual Seminar
Monday, April 7, 2014
Featuring Dr. Mark L. Frigo Book Signing
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Rosemont, Illinois USA
The IIA Chicago Chapter’s 54th Annual Seminar on Monday, April 7, 2014. They are also celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Chicago Chapter. The Seminar Co-Chairs, Chris Denver and Nick McKeehan invite the over 1,000 of fellow Chapter members and Internal Audit professionals at the Chapter’s largest event. The event will feature a book signing by Dr. Mark L. Frigo based on the IIA Research Foundation project The Balanced Scorecard: Applications in Internal Auditing and Risk Management (endorsement by Robert S. Kaplan, Harvard Business School and co-developer of the Balanced Scorecard). This conference will bring together a slate of thought leaders and content to meet the diverse experiences of IIA members. This year’s keynote speaker is Lou Dobbs, business and financial news legend and host of Fox Business News’ Lou Dobbs Tonight. An independent voice willing to challenge political and business leaders across the spectrum, Dobbs will provide an in-depth analysis of the day’s top stories and present a roadmap for building real solutions to our challenges.
For more information about this event please Click here
2014 General Audit Management (GAM) Conference
Monday, March 24, 2014
Hilton Bonnet Creek Orlando, FL
“Balanced Scorecards for the Internal Audit Function and Strategic Risk Management”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
This executive session will present the latest developments in the applications of the Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Maps in Internal Auditing and Risk Management based on an IIA Research Foundation Study led by Dr. Frigo. The session will describe how executive can:
Use a Mission Driven Strategy framework to developing a strategy and strategic objectives for building a Strategic Internal Audit Function
Translate the strategy of an Internal Audit Function into a Balanced Scorecard
Use the Strategic Risk Assessment Process in risk assessment
Use Strategy Maps in risk assessment and Enterprise Risk Management and how to develop it as a skill and competency in the Internal Audit Function
Executive Leadership Summit (Miami)
“Leadership Driven Strategy”
February 2014 (TBA)
Dr. Mark L. Frigo and an Group of Executives who have used the Leadership Driven Strategy approach to drive breakthrough results
Miami, FL
Leadership Driven Strategy is the latest executive seminar which is being used by leaders to drive positive change in organizations.
It is a process of using the Return Driven Strategy framework for teams and individual leaders.
High performance leaders THINK, ACT and COMMUNICATE differently than others.
Leaders can benefit from thinking, acting and communicating strategically based on the strategic activities of high performance companies as described in the best-selling book DRIVEN: Business Strategy, Human Actions and the Creation of Wealth.
This Leadership Driven Strategy executive seminar will be limited to 25 executives and facilitated by Dr. Mark L. Frigo and his team.
Executive Workshop
“Focused Growth Strategy: How to Innovate Without Going Broke”
December 12, 2013
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
Based on his landmark research on high performance companies and an intensive CFO workshop presented at the 2013 CFO Rising Summit (CFO Magazine’s Flagship Event), Dr. Frigo will present this CCFL seminar which includes real case examples of how companies have achieved profitable growth during the most recent recession. This executive seminar will focus on: a process for developing a Focused-Growth Strategy using the Return Driven Strategy® framework; a Seven-Step Process for Developing Focused Growth Strategies; Keys to Success for Making Innovation Work with Less Resources; a Strategy Audit for Driving Innovation and Growth; Case Success Stories: How Companies Have Significantly Increased their Valuations During the Global Recession Executive Workshop.
For more information and registration please click here
See the following YouTube videos for a summary of this case.
Executive Seminar
October 4, 2013
Driehaus College of Business Seminar
“Strategy, Execution and Value Creation: Lessons from High Performance Companies”
DePaul Center 8005 1 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL
Dr. Mark L. Frigo, Ledger & Quill Distinguished Professor, will present an executive seminar: “Strategy, Execution and Value Creation: Lessons from High Performance Companies”. The seminar will feature his pioneering research on high performance companies as featured in the best-selling book DRIVEN: Business Strategy, Human Actions and the Creation of Wealth (co-authored with Joel Litman) and a forthcoming book by Stanford University Press. The seminar will focus on applications of the Return Driven Strategy framework which describes the pattern of strategic activities of the best companies in the world and is the foundation of the Strategy, Execution and Valuation concentration in the Kellstadt MBA program and is used at other major business schools and in executive education programs. He will discuss how this pattern of strategic activities is being adapted by individuals, teams, and organizations to ethically create wealth and achieve greater success. For an executive summary of this presentation please email
Executive Leadership Summit (Private Event-Invitation Only)
“Leadership Driven Strategy”
Keynote Presentation and Workshop
September 25, 2013
JW Marriott Chicago
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
This keynote will apply the Return Driven Strategy framework to the role of sales management executives; including managing activities and measuring the value sales people create. It includes how to use the language and logic of Return Driven Strategy to uncover otherwise unmet customer needs; how to target the right offerings to fulfill those needs; how to use the right words and messaging to communicate how the offerings fulfill the customer needs; and building a strategic relationship with customers.
The workshop included how executives can drive success through Building and Leading High Performance Teams; Communicating Strategically and Challenging the Status Quo in driving positive change. For an executive summary of this presentation please email
Executive Leadership Summit (Private Event-Invitation Only)
“Leadership Driven Strategy: Strategic Leadership Skills for Finance Teams”
August 9, 2013
Monterey Bay, CA
How can leaders benefit from thinking and acting strategically based on the strategic activities of high performance companies.
Leadership Driven Strategy is using is the application of Return Driven Strategy to the individual and teams within an organization.
This keynote presentation and executive workshop included the following:
· What is Return Driven Strategy?
· How Finance Teams Use Return Driven Strategy?
· Applying Return Driven Strategy to your company
· Strategic Leadership Skills for Finance Teams The Whirlpool Finance Organization Case
· Leadership Driven Strategy for the Individual and Finance Teams
COSO Roundtable
University of Chicago Booth School of Business
July 31, 2013
“Strategic Risk Management: The New Core Competency”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
The Strategic Risk Management Lab in DePaul's Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation is co-sponsoring this COSO forum on Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) with Protiviti. The event will feature recently released research by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) geared to assist organizations in enhancing their risk management activities. For an executive summary of this presentation please email
Executive Workshop (Corporate Executive Education Event)
July 18, 2013
“Unlocking Enterprise Value Through a Return Driven Risk Strategy”
Sunnyvale, CA
Dr. Mark L. Frigo will present the latest Strategic Risk Management methods, tools and techniques designed to align an organization's strategy setting and execution with its risk appetite. Using a case study approach from DePaul University's Strategic Risk Management Lab and RIMS' findings from its executive report on risk appetite, participants will exchange ideas on ways that risk management advances efforts to create and protect enterprise value within their organizations. For an executive summary of this presentation please email
2013 Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) Risk Summit
July 17, 2013
Keynote Presentation
“Developing Risk Management as a Strategic Asset”
Gleacher Center - University of Chicago Booth School of Business - Chicago, IL
Dr. Mark Frigo will present a Keynote on Strategic Risk Management and facilitate the invitation-only summit of leading Chief Risk Officers, risk management executives and thought leaders in risk management.
For an executive summary of latest development in Strategic Risk Management, please email Dr. Frigo at
Executive Summit
Keynote Presentation
“Integration of ERM and Corporate Strategies for Stronger Business Resiliency”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
June 13, 2013 Chicago, IL
This keynote will focus on improving business outcomes through balanced strategic risk management and how to develop enterprise risk strategies to create resiliency. It will include the latest developments in linking risk management and strategy from the DePaul Strategic Risk Management Lab. The keynote will be co-presented by David Wong, CME Group Senior Director of Business Strategy and Dr. Mark L. Frigo, DePaul University – Kellstadt Graduate School of Business and Director, Strategic Risk Management Lab For an executive summary of this presentation please email
CFO Forum Event
Keynote Presentation
“Developing Risk Management as a Strategic Asset”
May 7, 2013 Dallas, Texas
This keynote will be focused on adapting the Return Driven Strategy and the Strategic Risk Management frameworks to help the CFOs to think strategically about risk management and develop it as a strategic asset. In this keynote Dr. Frigo will present the latest developments in Strategic Risk Management and how CFOs are leading initiatives to develop risk management as a strategic asset to create and protect value, including the use of Strategy Maps for risk assessment. For an executive summary of this presentation please email
RIMS 2013 Annual Conference
Senior Level Workshop
“Unlocking Enterprise Value through a Return Driven Risk Strategy”
Monday, April 22 2013
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Los Angeles Convention Center
Dr. Mark L. Frigo will join Carol Fox (Director of Strategic and Enterprise Risk Management at RIMS) and risk management executives from Intuit and the YMCA in this interactive workshop which will explore the latest Strategic Risk Management methods, tools and techniques designed to align an organization's strategy setting and execution with its risk appetite. Using a case study approach from DePaul University's Strategic Risk Management Lab and RIMS' findings from its executive report on risk appetite, participants will exchange ideas on ways that risk management advances efforts to create and protect enterprise value within their organizations. This session is hosted by RIMS Strategic Risk Management Development Council.
Takeaway from the Workshop: Tools to analyze the strategy and related risks of an enterprise, as well as examples of risk appetite statements.
Driehaus College of Business Centennial Lecture
“Strategy, Execution and Value Creation: Lessons from High Performance Companies”
April 13, 2013 9:30-10:30am
DePaul Center 8005 1 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL
Dr. Mark L. Frigo, Ledger & Quill Distinguished Professor, will present a Centennial Lecture at Alumni U on Saturday, April 13th entitled: “Strategy, Execution and Value Creation: Lessons from High Performance Companies” 9:30-10:30am. The lecture will feature his pioneering research on high performance companies as featured in the best-selling book DRIVEN: Business Strategy, Human Actions and the Creation of Wealth (co-authored with Joel Litman) and a forthcoming book by Stanford University Press. The lecture will focus on applications of the Return Driven Strategy framework which describes the pattern of strategic activities of the best companies in the world and is the foundation of the Strategy, Execution and Valuation concentration in the Kellstadt MBA program and is used at other major business schools and in executive education programs. He will discuss how this pattern of strategic activities is being adapted by individuals, teams, and organizations to ethically create wealth and achieve greater success. For an executive summary of this presentation please email
Keynote Presentation
“Building a Resilient Organization through Enterprise Risk Management”
Illinois CPA Society 2013 Controllers/CFO Conferene
March 19, 2013
Rosemont Convention Center
Dr. Mark L. Frigo will present this keynote presentation based on his pioneering work in the Strategic Risk Management Lab at DePaul University. CFOs and Controllers must take a strategic view of risk management across the organization to strengthen ERM for competitive advantage. What are companies doing to develop Strategic Enterprise Risk Management? What are boards asking CFOs regarding risk and risk management? How are organizations integrating risk management in strategic planning? What do companies need to change to manage risk in today’s fast-paced and uncertain business environment? Dr. Frigo will present the latest developments in Strategic Risk Management and how organizations can integrate risk management with strategy development and strategy execution. Based on his extensive research on resilient high performance companies he will present a framework and process organizations can use to develop Strategic Risk Management as a core competency. His keynote will focus on how organizations can increase the value of risk management in an organization and ultimately increase the value of the company. The keynote presentation will cover
-The keys to success and leading practices for strengthening Strategic Enterprise Risk Management
-The role of the CFO and Controller in strengthening ERM for competitive advantage
-How to use Strategy Maps for Risk Assessment and to Integrate risk management in strategic planning
-Strategic Risk Management at the LEGO Group (A Case Study)
-How to Develop Strategic Risk Management as a Core Competency
Strategic Risk Management: A Primer for Directors
A Webcast featuring Dr. Mark L. Frigo and Richard J. Anderson
The Conference Board Europe
The Conference Board North America
February 26, 2013 8:00am EST
Recent significant risk events, including catastrophic weather events, cybercrime, macroeconomic issues, and supply chain interruptions, have resulted in an increased focus on risk and risk management by boards of directors. One of the board’s key oversight roles is to understand the organization’s strategic risks and the relationship between risk and strategy. This webinar is based on a recent Director Notes article and will describe five reasons risk management fails, factors that are driving the need for strategic risk management as a core competency, key questions directors should be asking management about risk and risk management, a strategic risk assessment process, and recommendations for integrating risk management in strategic planning and strategy execution. Dr. Mark L. Frigo and Richard J. Anderson will discuss an approach and tools companies are using to conduct a Strategic Risk Assessment.
CFO Rising East: Finding Paths to Growth
Now in its 20th year, CFO Rising East is CFO magazine’s flagship event. Bringing together top CFOs to discuss the biggest trends and challenges in finance, this year’s three-day event will focus on the role of the CFO in identifying paths to growth. At CFO Rising East, you will learn from innovation strategy experts like renowned author experts including Dr. Mark L. Frigo (DePaul) who will present the pre-conference workshop about how to develop a focused growth strategy and Dr. Vijay Govindarajan (Dartmouth) who will present the opening keynote about how to build innovation into your company’s DNA and how to execute on an innovative strategy.
Pre-Conference Workshop
“Developing a Focused Growth Strategy - How to Innovate Without Going Broke”
Sunday March 3, 2013 11:00am-2:30pm
Dr. Mark L. Frigo, Director – The Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation, DePaul University; author of the book DRIVEN: Business Strategy, Human Actions and the Creation of Wealth
In the current economic environment, business strategies need to focus on market opportunities that are driven from shifts in customers, technology, competitors, demographics and globalization. As companies emerge from the recession, a primary challenge is to drive innovation and growth with fewer resources while managing risk. In this presentation, a leading expert on innovation strategy will share his insights and experience in helping CFOs to drive innovation and growth initiatives. During this workshop you will learn how to:
*Develop a Focused Growth Strategy Using the Return Driven Strategy framework
*Evaluate and Refine Innovation Strategies and Make Innovation Work with Less Resources
*To use a CFO Toolkit for Developing Growth and Innovation Strategies
*Develop Execution Plans and Performance Metrics for Innovation Strategies
Click here for a PDF summary of this workshop please contact
“Return Driven Strategy and the Variabilization of IT”
Senior Financial Executive/CFO Summit
Thursday – February 7th, 2013
Presidio Social Club, San Francisco – San Francisco, CA 94129
6:00pm – 8:30pm Keynote Presentation
In this evening keynote presentation, Dr. Frigo will discuss how the move from fixed to variable technology costs—the variabilization of IT—can form a key strategic initiative as part of a Return Driven Strategy. This approach can help the CFO both manage costs and improve performance—two critical mandates for today’s finance chief. Dr Frigo, bestselling author of DRIVEN will describe how CFOs use the Return Driven Strategy framework to drive strategic initiatives to improve business agility, risk management and valuation.
Audience: Private event of Senior financial executives from large ($1B+ in revenue) companies.
“The Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Maps: Applications in Internal Auditing”
Friday, December 14, 2012 9:00am-11:00am
United Airlines Headquarters
77 W. Wacker 8th Floor – Atrium Chicago, IL
Presented by Dr. Mark L. Frigo, Director – Strategic Risk Management Lab at DePaul University
This workshop for Chief Audit Executives (CAEs)will present the latest developments in the applications of the Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Maps in Internal Auditing which is this subject of an IIA Research Foundation project “The Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Maps: Applications in Internal Auditing” which is being led by Dr. Mark L. Frigo and supported by the IIA Chicago Chapter.
Here are some of the takeaways from the workshop:
· Learn how to use tools and frameworks to develop or refine a strategy for an Internal Auditing department to create more value within an organization.
· Learn approaches for developing or refining a Balanced Scorecard for an Internal Auditing Department.
· Learn leading practices for using Strategy Maps as a platform for risk assessment which represents a valuable skill for Internal Auditor who are involved in risk assessment and ERM initiatives.
Strategic Risk Management: The New Core Competency
Executive Seminar- Center for Strategy, Execution, Valuation and Strategic Risk Management Lab
Kellstadt Graduate School of Business DePaul University
Friday, November 30, 2012 9:00am – 12:00 (noon)
DePaul Center 1 East Jackson Blvd. - Chicago, IL
The executive seminar will include applications and case studies of a Strategic Risk Assessment process and tools to develop your organization’s ERM processes and capabilities. Management teams and board members involved in ERM and related governance and control functions and those advising boards and management in strategic risk management can benefit from this seminar. The latest edition of the book Strategic Risk Management: A Primer for Directors and Management Teams (Frigo and Anderson), the COSO report Embracing ERM: Practical Approaches for Getting Started (Frigo and Anderson) and the Strategy Risk Management at the Lego Group Case Study (Frigo and Laessoe)will be discussed at the workshop. This seminar will be part of a new Executive Certificate in Strategic Risk Management (ECSRM). For more information see or
“How does Bruce Lee + Martial Arts = Success?”
November 17, 2012 12:15-1:15pm
Kellogg Graduate School of Management – Northwestern University
Chicago Campus, Wieboldt Hall 340 East Superior
Dr. Mark L. Frigo will deliver an invited lecture at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University on November 17th incorporating the insight, philosophy and wisdom of martial arts with strategy and leadership for success. In this presentation, he integrates his research and expertise in the strategy high performance companies and high performance people with his avocation in martial arts. Dr. Frigo holds the advanced rank of Yon Dan (4th Degree Black Belt) in the art of Shotokan Karate and teaches at the Jiu-Jitsu Institute in Chicago. Come learn how Bruce Lee and martial arts can make you a better leader professionally and personally.
NICSA (National Investment Company Service Association)
Annual Meeting
Keynote Presentation
Harvard Club of Boston (Main Clubhouse)
374 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA
October 18, 2012
Keynote Presentation
"Strategic Risk Management: The New Core Competency"
Dr. Mark Frigo will deliver the closing keynote address at the NICSA (National Investment Company Service Association) annual meeting on October 18th at the Harvard Club of Boston. He will present the latest developments in Strategic Risk Management and how organizations can increase the value of risk management by integrating risk management with strategy development and strategy execution. Based on his extensive research on resilient high performance companies he will present a framework and process organizations can adapt to develop Strategic Risk Management as a core competency. His keynote will focus on how organizations can increase the value of risk management in an organization and ultimately increase the value of the company.
SIDREA International Forum
“Social Innovation, New Business Models and Management Accounting”
Siena, Italy - Certosa di Pontignano
“Co-Creating Strategic Management Systems”
July 25, 2012
Dr. Mark Frigo will deliver a lecture on “Co-Creating Strategic Management Systems” based on his 2009 cover article in Strategic Finance “Co-Creating Strategic Risk-Return Management” with Venkat Ramaswamy (University of Michigan Ross School of Business). This lecture will focus on continuing research and applications of value co-creation and the Return Driven Strategy framework. Dr. Frigo will join a distinguished faculty at the SIDREA International Forum which will include scholars from Bocconi University (Italy), Manchester Business School (UK), University of Groningen (The Netherlands), Instituto de Empressa Business School (Spain), and Lessius-KU Leuven (Belgium). For a PDF Executive Summary of this presentation please contact
ENROAC 6th Annual Doctoral Summer School in Management Accounting
University of Siena
Siena, Italy
“Strategic Risk Management: The New Core Competency”
July 24, 2012
Dr. Mark Frigo will deliver a lecture on the latest research on strategic risk management at high performance companies. Based on continuing global research of high performance companies in the Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation and Strategic Risk Management Lab, this lecture will discuss the characteristics companies that have achieved sustainable high performance and while maintaining a high integrity organization culture and managing the opportunities and threats. It will compare companies identified as high performance companies in the Return Driven Strategy Initiative with organizations identified and studied in other research initiatives on high performance companies. Dr. Frigo will join a distinguished faculty at the ENROAC Doctoral School which will include scholars from Bocconi University (Italy), University of Siena (Italy), Manchester Business School (UK), University of Groningen (The Netherlands), Instituto de Empressa Business School (Spain), Lessius-KU Leuven (Belgium) and University of Exeter (UK).For an Executive Summary PDF for this session please contact
University of Siena
Siena, Italy
Master Lecture “Research on High Performance Companies: What Have We Learned?
July 23, 2012
Dr. Mark Frigo will deliver a master lecture on the latest research on high performance companies. Based on continuing global research of high performance companies in the Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation, this lecture will discuss the characteristics companies that have achieved sustainable high performance and while maintaining a high integrity organization culture. It will compare companies identified as high performance companies in the Return Driven Strategy Initiative with organizations identified and studied in other research initiatives on high performance companies.
2012 Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) Risk Summit
July 11, 2012 8:30am-4:00pm
Gleacher Center - University of Chicago Booth School of Business
450 North Cityfront Plaza Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Dr. Mark Frigo will present a Keynote on Strategic Risk Management and facilitate the invitation-only summit of leading Chief Risk Officers, risk management executives and thought leaders in risk management.
For an executive summary of latest development in Strategic Risk Management, please email Dr. Frigo at
2012 Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)
93rd Annual Conference and Exposition
Mandalay Bay Resort - Las Vegas, NV
Monday, June 25, 2012
Keynote: “Strategic Risk Management: Leading Practices and Challenges”
Dr. Mark Frigo will present the latest developments in strategic risk management and how organizations can increase the value of Enterprise Risk Management by integrating risk management with strategy development and strategy execution. It will include excerpts from Strategic Risk Management: A Primer for Boards and Management Team.
University of Geneva – HEC Genève - Université de Genève
June 1, 2012
Geneva, Switzerland
“Strategic Risk Management-The New Core Competency”
“Strategic Risk Management at the LEGO Group”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo will present two invited lectures at the University of Geneva on Strategic Risk Management on June 1st in Geneva, Switzerland. Based his the pioneering work in the Strategic Risk Management Lab at DePaul University, he will deliver two lectures on the latest developments in strategic risk management and leading practices and frameworks for integrating risk management and strategy execution. The first lecture “Strategic Risk Management-The New Core Competency” will be presented to the French speaking MBA program at Université de Genève and will focus on approaches for developing strategic risk management as a core competency. The second lecture at Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC Geneva) which includes HEC faculty members with hand-picked guest professors from Swiss and international universities is entitled “Strategic Risk Management at the LEGO Group” will focus a case study recently published in Strategic Finance by Dr. Mark L. Frigo and Hans Læssøe, Senior Director of Strategic Risk Management at the LEGO Group.
United Nations
International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
June 1, 2012
Geneva, Switzerland
“Strategic Risk Management-Executive Seminar”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo at the request of the United Nations will present an executive seminar on Strategic Risk Management to UN officials at the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) on June 1st in Geneva, Switzerland. The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs). ITU is unique among UN agencies in having both public and private sector membership. In addition to its 193 Member States, ITU membership includes ICT regulators, leading academic institutions and 700 private companies. ITU membership reads like a Who’s Who of the ICT sector. ITU allocates global radio spectrum and satellite orbits, develops the technical standards that ensure networks and technologies seamlessly interconnect, and strives to improve access to ICTs to underserved communities worldwide. ITU is committed to connecting all of the world's people – wherever they live and whatever their means. Through their work, they protect and support everyone's fundamental right to communicate.
This seminar will include the Strategic Risk Assessment Process (described in an article by Frigo and Anderson in Strategic Finance) and will integrate the Mission Driven Strategy framework (derived from the Return Driven Strategy framework described in the book DRIVEN by Frigo and Litman) which helps the leadership of nonprofit organizations, governmental organizations and NGOs to ethically maximize mission-based value and avoid mission drift. The seminar will be presented by Dr. Frigo to senior UN officials.
2012 Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Summit
May 17-19, 2012
Westin Diplomat, Hollywood, FL
Panel: “Building a Resilient Organization through Enterprise Risk Management”
CFOs must take a strategic and comprehensive view of risk management across the organization to strengthen ERM for competitive advantage. With the SEC looking closely at ERM and risk disclosures, and the credit rating agency reviews of ERM, what are companies doing to improve risk management? What are boards asking CFOs regarding risk and risk management? How are organizations integrating risk management in strategic planning? What do companies need to change to manage risk in today’s fast-paced and uncertain business environment? This panel will explore:
-Keys to success and leading practices for strengthening ERM;
-The role of the CFO in strengthening ERM for competitive advantage;
-Incorporating risk management in strategic planning and strategy execution;
-The role of Board of Directors in risk management oversight;
-Strategic Risk Management as a core competency to strengthen ERM
Dr. Mark Frigo will lead this panel discussion with risk management executives including Claudia Temple from Kraft Foods and Robert Luginbill from Eli Lilly.
“Building a Resilient Organization through Enterprise Risk Management”
"Increasing Your Value: Strategic Leadership Skills for CFOs"
Based on his work with CFOs and financial executives in the CFO Strategic Leadership Initiative, Dr. Mark L. Frigo presented applications of a strategy framework and strategic leadership skills for CFOs.
-Strategic Thinking and Strategic Communication Skills for the CFO
-How CFOs can Drive Innovation and Growth
-Strategic Risk Management as a CFO Core Competency
-Improving your Strategic Leadership Quotient (SLQ) -How to Develop a High Performance CFO Team through Innovation and Talent
National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA) "Back by Popular Demand"
OneShow 2012
April 27, 2012
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
E. Terry Groff, Chairman – Reading Bakery Systems
Sands Expo & Convention Center
The Venetian Hotel and Resort - Las Vegas, NV
“Developing a Focused Growth Strategy: A Blueprint for Driving Profitable Growth”
This workshop will include the Seven-Step Focused Growth Strategy Guide which is used by business leaders and entrepreneurs to drive profitable growth and increase of the value of a company. It includes case examples of companies that have used this process to grow businesses in the post-global financial crisis economy.
For an Executive Summary of this session please contact
Click here for more information from the NAMA website
Executive Seminar
“Strategic Risk Management: Leading Practices for Increasing the Value of ERM”
Friday, April 20, 2012 9:00am - 12:00noon
Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation
DePaul University - Kellstadt Graduate School of Business - 1 East Jackson Blvd – Chicago
This executive seminar will include the latest research from the Strategic Risk Management Lab on leading practices in ERM and governance. This executive seminar will be led by Dr. Mark Frigo and Richard J. Anderson, Clinical Professor in the Strategic Risk Management Lab.
Executive Seminar
“The Strategic Audit: How to Develop Focused Growth and Innovation Strategies”
Friday, March 30, 2012 9:00am - 12:00noon
Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation
DePaul University - Kellstadt Graduate School of Business -1 East Jackson Blvd – Chicago
This executive seminar will be led by Dr. Mark Frigo and executives who have used the Strategic Audit and Return Driven Strategy framework to drive profitable growth and increase the value of their companies during the global recession. It will feature strategy diagnostics and tools for developing focused growth and innovation strategies and action plans for communicating and executing the strategy.
For more information please contact
2012 Controller’s Conference -Illinois CPA Society
Keynote Presentation “How to Innovate without Going Broke”
March 15, 2011 8:15-9:00am
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center - Rosemont,IL
As companies emerge from the global recession, a major challenge is to drive innovation and growth with fewer resources. In this keynote, Dr. Frigo a leading expert in innovation strategy shares his insights and experiences in helping companies achieve profitable growth. This keynote will present a seven-step process for developing focused growth strategies and how to conduct a Strategy Audit for driving growth and innovation. It will discuss the keys to making innovation work with fewer resources through specific success stories from executive who increased the value of their companies during the global recession.
Executive Workshop “Increasing Your Value: Developing Your Strategic Leadership Skills”
March 15, 2011 3:45-5:00pm
This workshop will be led by Dr. Mark Frigo to sharpen your strategic leadership skills and receive management tools you can use to increase your own value and create value for your organization in this slow growth economy. Learn how to define your role in driving growth using the leading practices from high performance companies. Understand how to focus on innovation and talent when developing a high-performance team, as well as hear how to assess and improve your personal "Strategic Leadership Quotient (SLQ)".
For more information about this workshop please contact
Citadel Directors Institute
“Risk Management and Strategy”
Charleston Place - Charleston, SC
March 22-23, 2012
2012 Energy CFO Summit
February 7-9, 2012
San Antonio, TX JW Marriott Resort
"Managing Strategic Risk in a Volatile Macroeconomic Environment"
Dr. Mark L. Frigo, DePaul University
John W. Labuszewski, Director, CME Group
In the current volatile economic environment, Energy CFOs need to assess strategic risks and align the strategy of the organization to manage the threats and market opportunities that are driven from dramatic shifts in global markets, regulations and economic conditions. Continuing global fiscal pressures, currency weaknesses in developed economies, and emerging markets energy demand are a few of the factors confronting the Energy CFO. This presentation features two leading experts on managing risk in a volatile environment to help Energy CFOs make the connection between the business strategy of the organization and the key economic factors which could elevate or derail the business.
CFO Conferences (CFO Magazine)
CFO Playbook for Private Companies
Tuesday, December 6, 2011 9:45-10:30am
Miami, FL
Keynote Presentation
“How CFOs Can Drive Innovation without Going Broke”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo, Director – The Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation, DePaul University; author of the book DRIVEN: Business Strategy, Human Actions and the Creation of Wealth.
E. Terry Groff, Chairman – Reading Bakery Systems
In the current economic environment, business strategies need to focus on market opportunities that are driven from shifts in customers, technology, competitors, demographics and globalization. As private companies emerge from the recession, a major challenge is to drive innovation and growth with fewer resources while managing risk. In this presentation, a leading expert on innovation strategy and an executive from a private company team up to share their insights and experience in driving innovation and growth in private companies.
*Developing an Innovation Strategy for Private Companies
*Making Innovation Work with Less Resources
*How to Execute Innovation Strategies
Executive Seminar
“Strategic Risk Management: The New Core Competency”
Friday, December 2, 2011 9:00am-12:00noon
Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation
DePaul University - Kellstadt Graduate School of Business
1 East Jackson Blvd - Chicago
Clariden Leadership Institute - Singapore
Executive Leadership Seminar
November 29-30, 2011, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore
“Managing Strategic Risks and Uncertainties in a Volatile Economy”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo will serve as faculty director and present this two-day C-Level executive seminar at the Clariden Leadership Institute in Singapore. At Clariden, the core mission is to help global organizations in Asia build sustainable competitive advantages by empowering people with knowledge and insights that are impactful and highly relevant in today's competitive business environment. Through partnership with renowned and highly sought after professors from prestigious universities around the world, Clariden provide strategic insights and impactful world-class executive education to global organizations in Asia, including FORTUNE 500 companies who have businesses in Asia. Dr. Frigo joins Clariden's faculty directors from Stanford University, University of Pennsylvania (Wharton), Columbia University, University of Michigan, and University of California, Berkeley.
Strategic Risk Management: The New Core Competency for Creating and Protecting Value
Executive Seminar
Monday, November 14, 2011 8:30-4:30
Center for Corporate Financial Leadership (CCFL)
This executive seminar presents the leading practices and case examples in Strategic Risk Management and ERM. It will include a session on how to conduct a Strategic Risk Assessment process which organizations can use to develop ERM, increase the value of ERM in an organization and position ERM for competitive advantage. Dr. Mark L. Frigo, Director of the Strategic Risk Management Lab at DePaul University will lead the seminar.
2011 CFO Summit XXIII
November 10-12, 2011
Red Rock Resort - Las Vegas, Nevada
November 12, 2011 Keynote Address
“Strategic Leadership Skills for CFOs”
What strategic leadership skills are necessary for today’s CFO? How can CFOs develop a high performance finance team to meet tomorrow’s challenges? How can CFOs drive growth and innovation in a slow growth economy? Based on Dr. Frigo's work with CFOs and other executives, this keynote will present the strategic leadership skills CFOs need to build and lead a high performance finance team and to drive growth and innovation.
-Strategic Thinking and Strategy Audits: What can we learn from High Performance Companies?
-Strategic Risk Management: The Role of the CFO
-Growth Strategies: How CFOs can Drive Growth and Innovation in a Slow Growth Economy
-Developing a High Performance Finance Team: Focusing on Innovation and Talent
- Strategic Communication Skills: How CFOs can improve the way they communicate to investors, boards and within the organization
Dr. Frigo joined the following distinguished speakers: The Honorable William H. Frist, MD - 18th Majority Leader- U.S. Senate (2003-2007); Robert Kolodgy, Senior Vice President and CFO, Blue Cross Blue Shield; John Rex, Chief Financlal Officer, North America, Microsoft; Roy W. Templin, Executive Vice President and CFO, Whirlpool Corporation; Scott Messel, Senior Vice President, ConAgra Foods; Paul Zemsky, CFO, ING Investment Management; Michael Bordoni, Vice President Finance, HP; Mike Devine, Chief Financial Officer, Coach, Inc.; Jim McComb, Senior Vice President - Finance, Bank of America and Ben Stein, Economist, Author and Actor.
Strategic Risk Management as a Core Competency
RIMS (Risk and Insurance Management Society)
ERM Conference 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
San Diego, California
ERM often fails when strategic risk management isn’t a core competency within organizations. This session will explore how high performing organizations create - as well as protect - value using Strategic Risk Management as an essential discipline. Find out how one organization has integrated risk management with strategy planning and execution to uncover opportunities. Dr. Mark L. Frigo, Director, Strategic Risk Management Lab at DePaul University will desribe how organizations can connect risk management to your organization’s strategy and strategic planning by developing its Strategic Risk Management competencies. He will be joined by Janet Nasbury, Chief Risk Officer at Intuit and Carol Fox, Director of Straegic and Enterprise Risk Practices at RIMS. The session will include the Strategic Risk Assessment process which management teams can use to intergrate risk management within strategic planning and strategy exectuion.
Prague CFO Summit
October 17-18, 2011
Keynote Presentation
“How CFOs Can Drive Innovation and Growth”
Prague, Czech Republic
Executive Seminar
"Strategic Valuation: Applications of Return Driven Strategy"
Friday, October 7, 2011 9:00am-12:00noon
Dr. Mark L. Frigo - The Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation
Joel Litman - Managing Director at Equity Analysis & Strategy
University of Chicago Booth School of Business Gleacher Center
450 North Cityfront Plaza Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60611
DePaul University Executive Seminar
“When Strategy and Entrepreneurship Meet: Lessons from Return Driven Strategy”
Friday, September 30, 2011 9:00am-12:00noon
Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation
DePaul University - Kellstadt Graduate School of Business
1 East Jackson Blvd – Chicago
ACES Power Marketing
September 21, 2011
Keynote Address and Workshop
“New Developments in Enterprise Risk Management and Strategic Risk Management”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo will present a keynote and workshop on leading practices in Enterprise Risk Management and Strategic Risk Management to ACES Power Marketing which operates as an energy risk management and hedge manager, developing strategies, implementing trading controls, and managing transaction execution for entities throughout North America.
European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)
Research Conference
“Strategic Risk Management: Implications for Strategy and Strategy Execution”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
September 8, 2011
Nice, France
An Interview with Dr. Mark L. Frigo
"How CFOs Can Drive Innovation and Growth"
August 22, 2011 5:00pm EST
Dr. Mark L. Frigo will describe how CFOs are using this strategy framework as well as elaborating on how CFOs are developing Focused Growth Strategies to achieve more results with less resources. This interview was broadcast to over 15,000 executives and professionals and is listened to on three continents.
Strategic Risk Management as a Core Competency
Webinar - RIMS (Risk and Insurance Management Society)
Thursday, August 4, 2011 12:00noon-1:00pm EST
What is strategic risk management (SRM)? How does it differ from enterprise risk management? Hear from Hans Laessoe, Senior Director, Strategic Risk Management with LEGO System A/S and Dr. Mark L. Frigo, Director, Strategic Risk Management Lab at DePaul University about how you can connect to your organization’s vision and mission by expanding its strategic risk management competencies.
Click here for a PDF transcript of the presentation
American Gas Association (AGA) Risk Meetings
July 25, 2011 8:30am-4:00pm
Gleacher Center - University of Chicago Booth School of Business
450 North Cityfront Plaza Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Dr. Mark L. Frigo will present a keynote presentation “New Developments in Enterprise Risk Management” which will include the leading practices in Strategic Risk Management and applications of the Strategic Risk Assessment process to risk management executives from the American Gas Association (AGA) a trade association of natural gas companies.
2011 Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) Risk Summit
July 20, 2011 8:30am-4:00pm
Gleacher Center - University of Chicago Booth School of Business
450 North Cityfront Plaza Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Dr. Mark Frigo will present the opening address “Leading Practices in Strategic Risk Management” and facilitate the invitation-only summit of leading Chief Risk Officers, risk management executives and thought leaders in risk management.
For an executive summary of latest development in Strategic Risk Management, please email Dr. Frigo at
2011 Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Summit
May 18-20, 2011
Westin Diplomat, Hollywood, FL
Wednesday, May 18th Panel 11:10 AM – 12:10 PM
Strengthening Enterprise Risk Management for Competitive Advantage
Panel: Dr. Mark L. Frigo, Director will lead a panel which includes John Kroen, Chief Security Officer, DeVry Inc and David Wong, Director of Enterprise Risk Management, CME Group
This panel will be followed by a keynote presentation by Karl Rove, Former Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush on "Understanding America's Challenge"
Friday, May 20th Keynote Presentation
CFO Presentation
How CFOs can Drive Innovation and Growth
In the current economic environment, corporate strategies need to be realigned to identify and exploit the market opportunities that are driven from shifts in technology, customers, competitors, demographics, globalization, and regulations. As companies emerge from the recession, a major challenge is to drive innovation and growth with fewer resources while managing risk. In this presentation, a leading expert on strategy and innovation shares his insights and experience in helping CFOs to drive profitable growth.
This keynote will be followed by a keynote presentation by Coach Don Shula, NFL Hall of Fame Coach, on "How a Winning Attitude Relays to the World of Corporate Finance and Business Executives"
COSO Forum on Enterprise Risk Management
Gleacher Center
University of Chicago Booth School of Business
450 North Cityfront Plaza Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The Strategic Risk Management Lab in DePaul's Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation is sponsoring this forum on Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). The event will feature presentations of papers on ERM framework, processes, key risk indicators and risk oversight. This research, recently released by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), is geared to assist organizations in enhancing their risk management activities.
* Update on COSO's current activities by David Landsittel, chair
* COSO's report on ERM
* Board risk oversight
* Practical approaches to starting ERM
* Developing key risk indicators
Click here for an Executive Summary from the COSO Forum
Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS)
2011 International Conference
“Strategic Risk Management: The New Core Competency Vancouver Convention Center
Vancouver Convention Center
Vancouver, BC
May 3, 2011
Strategic Risk Management: The New Core Competency
What is strategic risk management (SRM)? How does it differ from enterprise risk management? Does SRM fulfill the board and executive team need for unlocking additional enterprise value by managing uncertainties in a way that fuels value creation and capture, while still protecting that value? Hear from industry leaders on this next evolution of the risk management practice. Learn from them how you can connect to your organization’s vision and mission by expanding its strategic risk capabilities. This session is hosted by RIMS. This panel will include Dr. Mark L. Frigo along with Hans Laessoe, Director of Strategic Risk Management at LEGO System A/S and Carol Fox from RIMS
National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA)
OneShow 2011
McCormick Place, Chicago, IL
“Focusing Your Business Strategy on Growth Opportunities”
April 27, 2011
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
E. Terry Groff, Chairman – Reading Bakery Systems
Click here for an article about Dr. Frigo's presentation at the OneShow 2011
"Emerging Risks for Cross-Border Business"
April 5, 2011 - The Metropolitan Club, Chicago.
Dr. Mark L. Frigo will deliver the Opening Address
"Emerging Risks for Cross-Border Business"
This timely invitation-only breakfast forum, being held by the Financial Times in partnership with Chartis, will bring together senior-level executives and risk management professionals from the corporate, financial, insurance and legal sectors to share their insights and discuss the impact of changing economic and regulatory climates, how to remain locally compliant and adequately protected in an uncertain risk environment, and effective risk mitigation strategies for global business. What are the emerging political, economic, social and technological risks for corporations expanding and competing globally? How can data, talent, innovation and capital resources be protected across borders? How can the growing threat of international crime and cyber-risk be minimized? What is the impact of U.S. financial regulatory legislation and executive compensation rulings? Why must corporations plan for tightened indirect-tax regimes as cash-strapped global governments source new revenue areas? How can the global corporation protect itself from unprecedented legal liability and what are the most effective dispute resolution options?
2011 New Zealand CFO Summit
This CFO Summit will include over 350 CFOs and academics
Invited International Academic Keynote Address, March 24th
"Leadership and Strategy for CFOs"
CFO Master Class March 25th
"Strategic Leadership Skills for CFOs"
Sky City Convention Centre
Auckland, NZ
Click here for for an article from the New Zealand CFO
Citadel Directors Institute
“Risk Management and Strategy”
"Is the Board's Smoke Alarm Working?"
Charleston Place
Charleston, SC
March 17-18, 2011
The 18th Annual CFO Rising Conference and Exhibition
March 13-16, Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek, Orlando, FL
Tuesday, March 15th Panel 11:10 AM – 12:10 PM
"Resource Allocation: Today’s Strategies for Tomorrow’s Growth"
Dr. Mark L. Frigo, Director, DePaul University
Kristi Matus, EVP & CFO, USAA
Ann E. Ziegler, SVP & CFO, CDW
Moderator: Sam Knox, VP and Director of Research, CFO Publishing LLC
How can you identify the most promising opportunities and make sure you are positioned to capitalize on them? Determining when and how to move from a conservative, defensive position to a more aggressive, growth-oriented stance may be the single biggest challenge facing finance executives today. This panel will share their strategies for harnessing the economic turnaround ─ and doing it wisely.
Wednesday, March 16, 2010
12:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Post-conference Workshop
Strengthening Enterprise Risk Management for Competitive Advantage: The Role of the CFO Dr. Mark L. Frigo, Director – Strategic Risk Management Lab, DePaul University, Author of the latest COSO publication “Embracing Enterprise Risk Management: Practical Approaches for Getting Started” (2011).
Energy CFO Summit
“Strategic Risk Management for Energy CFOs”
“Strategic Leadership Skills for High Performance CFOs”
Hollywood, FL
February 16-18, 2011
Strategic Risk Management: The New Core Competency
Center for Corporate Financial Leadership (CCFL)
Executive Seminar
Chicago, IL
February 11, 2011 8:30-4:30
The Corporate Growth Summit - Balancing Shareholder Value with Stakeholder Interests
Global Strategic Management Institute (GSMI)
Executive Workshop: Strategic Risk Assessment
Chair Address: Balancing Shareholder Value with Stakeholder Interests
Miami, FL
January 18-20, 2011
KPMG Audit Committee Institute
Roundtable Series
Introductory Comments and Panel Discussion
The Chicago Club
Chicago, IL
December 9, 2011 3:00-5:00pm
Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation
Kellstadt Graduate School of Business, DePaul University
“Strategic Risk Management: Leading Practices and Challenges for 2011”
Executive Conference
Chicago, IL
December 3, 2010 8:30-12:00
CFO Summit XXI
Las Vegas, NV
November 5, 2010
“Enterprise Risk Management and the Role of the CFO”
Strategic Risk Management Lab
Risk Executives Roundtable Series
Kellstadt Graduate School of Business, DePaul University
“Enterprise Risk Management: Approaches for Getting Started”
COSO Thought Paper
Risk Executives Roundtable
Chicago, IL
October 25, 2010 11:30-2:00
Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation
Kellstadt Graduate School of Business, DePaul University
“Strategy, Risk Management and Shareholder Value Creation:
Applications of Return Driven Strategy”
Executive Seminar
Chicago, IL
Friday, October 1, 2010 8:30-12:00
Center for Corporate Financial Leadership (CCFL)
“Developing and Using a Balanced Scorecard Framework”
Executive Seminar
Chicago, IL
October 18, 2010 8:30-4:00
2010 Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) GRC Conference
August 23-25, 2010
The Breakers Palm Beach, FL
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
“Strategic Risk Assessment: A Primer for Internal Auditors”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo and David Wong, Director of ERM, CME Group
“Security: Is There a Missing ‘S’ in GRC?”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo and John Kroen, Chief Security Officer, DeVry Inc.
Strategic Risk Management: Leading Practices and Challenges in 2010
Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation
Keynote: “Strategic Risk Management: Leading Practices and Challenges in 2010,
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
Keynote: “ERM: From Market Theory to Practice”, David Wong, Director of ERM, CME Group
Panel of Leading Risk Management Executives including: John Wengler, Chief Risk Officer, Blue Star Energy; Harlan Loeb, US Director of Crisis Risk Management, Edelman; Mark Bures, Navistar
GSMI 4th Enterprise Risk Management Summit
Keynote: “Obtaining Buy-In from Boards for ERM”,
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Keynote: “Conducting a High-Level Risk Assessment”,
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
Friday, June 11, 2010 8:30-9:15am
San Diego, California
2010 Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)
91st Annual Conference
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Baltimore, Maryland
Keynote: “The Role of Management Accountants in Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)”
Dr. Mark L. Frigo
National Healthcare CXO Summit Spring 2010
25-27 April 2010
The Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa
Hollywood, FL, USA
The National Healthcare CXO Summit featured Dr. Mark L. Frigo as the lead keynote speaker on April 25th in Fort Lauderdale, FL speaking on "Strategy and Leadership in Healthcare 2010" discussing the latest applications of Return Driven Strategy and Mission Driven Strategy for healthcare organizations. On April 25th, the Summit included a special keynote by The Honorable Newt Gingrich, 58th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives and Founder, Center for Health Transformation on "Insights into Healthcare Reform and the Direction the Healthcare System will Take". On April 26th, the Summit continued with a special workshop for Healthcare CXOs on "Strategic Risk Management for Healthcare Organizations" featuring Dr. Mark L. Frigo, Director of the Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation and Strategic Risk Management Lab in the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business and Ledger & Quill Alumni Distinguished Professor of Strategy and Leadership at DePaul University. For a summary of Dr. Frigo’s presentations at this summit, please email Dr. Frigo at
CFO Rising 2010 - Navigating the New Normal
The 17th Annual Conference- CFO Magazine
March 7 - 10, 2010 Orlando, FL
Keynote Presentation:
“The Role of the CFO in Strategic Risk Management”
Mark L. Frigo, Ph.D., Director, The Center for Strategy, Execution, and Valuation, DePaul University; co-author, Driven
On Monday, March 8th the conference will began with a keynote presentation featuring Dr. Vijay Govindarajan, Director of the William F. Achtmeyer Center for Global Leadership at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College on How CFOs Can Drive Innovation. This morning session included a closing keynote presentation on “The Role of the CFO in Strategic Risk Management” featuring Dr. Mark L. Frigo. Dr. Frigo's keynote presentation included the latest developments in strategic risk management described in two landmark articles and his two books DRIVEN: Business Strategy, Human Actions and the Creation of Wealth (with Joel Litman) and STRATEGIC RISK MANAGEMENT: A Primer for Directors and Management Teams (with Richard J. Anderson). For a summary of Dr. Frigo’s presentation at this summit, please email Dr. Frigo at
Energy CFO Summit 2010
21-23 February 2010 Doral Golf Resort & Spa, Miami, FL, USA
Keynote Presentation “Strategy, Value Creation and the CFO”
Dr, Mark L. Frigo, Director, The Center for Strategy, Execution and Valuation; Ledger & Quill Alumni Foundation Distinguished Professor of Strategy and Leadership, Kellstadt Graduate School of Business, DePaul University. For a summary of Dr. Frigo’s presentation at this summit, please email Dr. Frigo at
Strategic Risk Management:
Protect Your Company for the Long Term
Center for Corporate Financial Leadership (CCFL)
February 5, 2010 Chicago, Illinois
Executive Seminar Presentation
As the risk profiles of companies have become more complex and more uncertain, management teams and boards need a practical and systematic way to assess and manage the risk in their plans and strategy of the company. One of the major challenges facing every management team is how to link the
business strategy and performance measures with Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC). Another significant challenge is to develop a practical strategy for ERM and GRC that meets the specific needs of the organization based on its size and its environment.
For a summary of Dr. Frigo’s presentation at this executive seminar, please email Dr. Frigo at
Return Driven Strategy in Tuscany
Strategy, Risk Management and Value Creation
Siena, Borgo La Bagnaia
June 13, 2008
Executive Conference
The Best Answers of Italian Companies Event of the Year on Administration, Finance and Control
Hotel Melia
Milan, Italy
December 2, 2008